Competitions definitely make you make better things than you might think you could make. :) And collaborations! Great ways to get involved. True that. :)
I am but a man! a man with a dream!.... my dream? to have a dream!
Age 37, Male
Joined on 2/18/16
Competitions definitely make you make better things than you might think you could make. :) And collaborations! Great ways to get involved. True that. :)
Welcome aboard, I hope this place is to your liking.
Hiya! Welcome to NG! Looking forward to what mind-blowing artistries you might be posting later on, so far it's looking promising. :)
Seems he's the reason a lot of people are here lately. Skimming through the unscouted art the past few days it seems at least half of everything is for that Deadpool/Harley contest, and most of those by new users. It's incredible. You've got some competition! ;)
Hey! thanks for the warm welcome man :D
Ye Jazza is epic i'v learned alot from his videos. I normaly shy from competition but i want to improve as an artist and seeing everyone elses artwork is so inspirational :D